Mount and Blade 3 News About 3rd Sequel

mount and blade 2

Mount and Blade is a strategy and action video game. The latest game in the series was Mount and Blade 2 which was released in 2022 and it is a successful game, both critically and commercially.

Now fans of the game are looking for 3rd game in the series which is speculated to be released in 2025 but TaleWorlds Entertainment has not announced anything about it.

Mount & Blade is famous for its open-world sandbox gameplay, deep combat, strategic troop management, vibrant modding community, and historical influences. It’s like playing in a sandbox with swords and horses!

Mount and Blade 3 Release Date

There is no news for new Mount and Blade 3 at this time. The latest game in the series, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, was released in full on October 25, 2022, after spending over two years in Early Access.

However, based on the release history of the previous games, we can make some educated guesses about when Mount & Blade 3 might be released:

However, it’s important to remember that these are just estimates and the actual release date could be earlier or later. Additionally, the developers might choose to release DLC or expansions for Bannerlord before moving on to a new game.

New sequels depend on many factors, such as fan demand, time gap, and developer’s work. The success of the previous game also matters.

Mount and Blade 3 Gameplay

mount and blade 3 gameplay

As the game is still not confirmed, we make educated guesses about what new game will bring:

The game could add new gameplay features and modes, such as naval combat, diplomacy, espionage, trade, the economy, religion, culture, politics, and more. The game could also improve existing features and modes, such as combat, character creation, skills, perks, companions, troops, formations, tactics, battles, sieges, tournaments, quests, and more. The game could also offer more options and freedom for the player to shape their own story and role-play as they wish.

New Storyline

The game could explore a different historical period or region, such as the medieval Europe, the Mongol invasion, the Crusades, the Renaissance, the Napoleonic wars, or the American Revolution.

Alternatively, the game could create a new fictional setting with its own lore, factions, cultures, and events. The storyline could also be more dynamic and responsive to the player’s actions and choices, with branching quests, multiple endings, and different outcomes for the world.

New Weapons

The game could introduce new types of weapons and equipment, such as firearms, crossbows, polearms, shields, armor, horses, and siege engines.

The weapons could have different stats, effects, and mechanics, such as accuracy, range, damage, reload speed, durability, and weight. The game could also allow the player to customize and upgrade their weapons and equipment, as well as craft their own items from materials and resources.

New Location

The game could explore a different historical period or region, a new fictional setting, or a continuation of the existing setting of Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord.

The game could also improve the character creation, skills, perks, companions, troops, formations, tactics, battles, sieges, tournaments, quests, and more from the previous games. The game could offer more options and freedom for the player to shape their own story and role-play as they wish.

Mount & Blade 2 Review

Mount & Blade 2

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is a medieval sandbox RPG where you can forge your own path in a vast, dynamic world. You can be a mercenary captain, a trader, a bandit, a lord, or even a king. The game is full of possibilities, and the choices you make will shape your story.

Here’s a quick summary of the good and bad:



Overall, Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is a great RPG with a lot to offer. If you’re looking for a game where you can make your own adventure, this is one to check out.

Final Thoughts

While there is currently no official news about Mount and Blade 3, fans can still speculate about its potential release date based on the series’ history and the success of the latest installment, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord.

Considering the gap between previous releases, Mount & Blade 3 could arrive sometime between late 2025 and mid-2027. However, factors like fan demand, developer decisions, and potential DLC for Bannerlord may influence this timeline.

Ultimately, the wait for Mount & Blade 3 hinges on TaleWorlds Entertainment’s plans. Fans can stay informed by following official channels and keeping an eye on the modding community for any potential hints.

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